Online Service

How do I get a Quote?

1. Sign up for a user account

Firstly you need to create a user account. To do this, simply complete the form here. It's free and will only take 1 minute.

2. Confirm your new user account

Once you've completed the form, we'll send you an email to activate your account. This is for safety purpose and it's a fully automated process so you'll be able to use your account straight away.

3. Shopping

Now that your account is confirmed, select the product you need a quote for, click on "Add to Cart". When you do this, you'll see each item appear in your "Shopping Cart" on the right-hand side of the page. Don't worry if you make a mistake, you can remove unwanted items later.

4. View your Cart

When you have selected everything you need, click on "Generate Order" to go to shopping cart page. Here you can review, change quantities, and delete items you don't need.

5. Confirm Order

If you are satisfied that your cart contains everything you need, click on "Confirm Order". Please confirm/input your correct email address in the box, click on "OK". Our account manager will contact you and send you quote in few minutes.